Monday, July 16, 2012

Im not big on paying runningbacks big money for long terms...

but it seems like ray rice and matt forte are like this right now...

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Dark Knight Rises comes out this friday....

This is how excited i am...

now if i can beat the crowds and watch it in a nice seat during the week, i would be like this...

Just realized this past year was my 15 year high school reunion...

I wish I could have showed up looking like this...

but i'd probably look more like this...

Went to Ria tonight....

After tasting Chef Danny Grants food, i was like....

then we found out that hes leaving the restaurant in two weeks because Waldorf Astoria wants to cut costs, I reacted like this...

Something I'll never see Wu say...

Friday, July 13, 2012

Me at Green City Market bbq yesterday.....

As I saw all the food I was like.....

After I met guys like Rick Bayless, Paul Kahan, and Stephanie Izzard, I thought I played it cool and looked like this...

but honestly, i probably looked like this....

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

this is wu telling me to move to california...

if i did, id be hoping itd be all of our friends getting together and i'd be like.....